Sunday, January 4, 2009

Singing in Church

Our whole family sang in my parent's ward Christmas Sunday. The focus was on the kids, which was pretty tricky with three two-year olds and a four-year old. The whole thing was looking pretty frightening every time we practiced, but apparently those kids are performers because they all sang incredibly when it came to showtime.

This is the kids practicing before the big day. You can see Jessie's hand holding up a chocolate, which we were using to bribe the kids to sing.


Holly said...

Hey, I can be bribed with chocolate too. It must be genetic. I wish I could have heard them. Grandma Char said they were wonderful.

Stacie Aho said...

That is so funny. I would have loved to have seen it! Maybe Molly and Max can do a replay today at Grandma's! :)

Jessie said...

Hey- Amelia isn't 5! She's 4. She won't be five until June. Bad auntie!

Lauren said...

I knew that sounded too old. At least I knew it started with an F!