Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Festivities

Since Chris was working on Christmas, our festivities got spread over the second half of the week. We celebrated at my parent's house on Christmas day, then we had our own family Christmas the Saturday after, and Chris's family was nice enough to hold off on their festivities until Saturday too so Chris could be there.

Round one of gift opening. Everybody wasn't gathered in the living room yet so the kids drove the presents around on this car until it was time to open.

Even though there was a ton of toys, the kids all wanted to play with the same toy at the same time (shocking). This is the kids huddles around Max's doctor kit.

The next round was at our house Saturday morning. I don't know how many years we'll be able to pull this off if Chris has to work Christmases regularly, but we certainly had no trouble this year. Molly finally got to open up the 25th on the advent calendar on the 27th.

Santa brought the girls a bounce house/ball pit, but he brought us a lemon that won't fully inflate. I'm still trying to decide what to do about that one. According to Amazon (apparently Santa is a bargain shopper) I can return it but they don't have anymore in stock to replace it. I'm afraid Molly would be devastated if we returned it, so we might have to tough it out with the saggy walls. We'll see.

I wasn't totally excited about getting Molly this Thomas, but that's what she said she wanted. I'm pretty sure it's because Max wanted a train, and Molly latched on to the idea too.

Third and final round: Christmas at the Blacks.

The marshmallow guns were definitely one of the highlights.

So was cousin Lexi's chalk.