Sunday, February 20, 2011

This and That...

Chris's new "glasses."

Molly and Claire putting my preschool things to good use (A few friends and I are doing a rotating preschool with Claire and their kids).

I came in the room and Claire was watching TV like this - plus it's a cute picture of Penny!

I couldn't tell you how this started, but I mentioned something about bungee jumping and the girls wanted to know what it was. We got on YouTube and watched a few videos, then with the help of stretch lace their bears went bungee jumping over the side of the staircase.

This is how we roll in Target these days. Believe it or not Claire chooses to climb under the cart and hang out there. At first I wouldn't let her but then I realized it's way easier than having her walk.

We got some awesome costumes at a garage sale for $1 each. Molly was cranky at me for something so she wouldn't smile.

One of the many dance contests at Grandma and Papa's house.

Chris broke his wrist playing in a flag football league in the middle of December. He couldn't work for a little over two months, and it was awesome to have him home.

My sister Jessie came to visit a few weekends ago and we had a great time. We did a lot of fun things, but making masks out of tortillas was the only thing I managed to get a picture of.


Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Wow! I loved reading all of your posts! It was so fun and your girls are darling!

Summer said...

Claire seems like quite the character. I love that she likes to ride underneath the cart. Whatever makes them happy.