Sunday, February 20, 2011

Disney on Ice

For Christmas Chris got the girls and I tickets to see Disney on Ice. It was awesome! The girls loved every minute of it and I have to say I did too.

I let them buy one souvenir each, and luckily they opted for the snow cones. Those little beauties were $12 each and they were the cheapest things in the whole place! Unfortunately a quarter of the way into the show Molly spilled hers on the ground. I wasn't sure if she'd be able to recover (she was pretty upset) but luckily it just took a minute or two and she was okay. It helped that we had loaded up on snacks and Push Pops at the gas station beforehand.

Toally tapped after the show. Bedtime around our house is 7 and the show didn't start until then, but they were wired until we got in the car.