Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Friends

Sorry for any of you that are readers of the Clark blog, but these pictures were too funny not to steal and post on my own blog.

Max has his own personal kitchen cupboard for his toys. It also happens to be a favorite hang-out for these two.

Sarah's backyard is awesome. Molly and Max like to play restaurant through this opening in the house. One of them will say "What do you want to order?" The other place their order, and they'll be handed a plate full of grass. Notice they're using china plates; nothing but the best for these two!

The samurai swords were a little tricky at first, but once they were told that the swords were only for shooing flies, they took their responsibility very seriously. I'm pretty sure they haven't hit each other again after that. And I know it's silly that Molly is wearing a trench coat when it's clearly not cold enough outside for one, but I really love it so we're trying to get as much use out of it as possible.


Stacie Aho said...

They are so funny. Being a kid is the best!