Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The kids and I took a trip to Indiana with my mom a couple of weeks ago to visit my sister Sarah and her kids. We had such a great time! I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are pictures a few highlights:

The weather was beautiful for almost the whole week we were there. We were probably a little overzealous in getting the kids dressed to go outside, but they thought it was really fun to get bundled up, so it was actually part of the fun. I'm sure Max and Eve won't think bundling up is very fun after they've lived through a winter in Indiana!

The kids were obsessed with Leo!

Leo is 6 months and Penny is 3.

The kids had a surprising amount of similar outfits, and Sarah and I loved to have them all match.

We went to Shipshewana, an Amish town, twice during our visit. It was a pretty interesting place, but the highlight was probably the ride in the Amish buggy. I wanted to get a picture of some real Amish people, but I didn't know how to do it without being offensive, so I opted not to.

Max and Molly took turns driving the buggy.

Our buggy driver was hysterical, although I'm not sure if he was for real or just putting on an act for tourists (since we assume all Amish people are hicks).

This was definitely not a baby-friendly week. Poor Penny and Leo had to catch naps wherever they could, and they spent most of their time in carseats. But I do think Penny liked checking out all of Leo's sweet baby toys.

Sarah and Ryan live with Ryan's parents right now, and their backyard is incredible. It's enormous and has a really pretty creek at the bottom. The kids loved being out there, jumping in leaf piles and hunting for sticks.

We were all exhausted flying home from Indiana. I was too tired to parent for a large chunk of the trip, which Molly took advantage of by eating almost every treat my mom had brought. They also decided to put on a puppet show with their barf bags sitting underneath the tray tables. Screaming and fighting ensued moments after I took this picture, so it didn't last too long.


Summer said...

What fun! I would love my mom and sisters to come visit me. I am sure your sister enjoyed every minute.

Jessie said...

I'm so sad that we couldn't join you guys. Looks like a wonderful trip!!

Sarah said...

That picture of Claire with the tree branch is awesome! That's going to be my new background on my desktop!