Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday Night Entertainment

A large portion of our night at my parent's house on Sunday was spent singing primary songs under Molly's direction. She found my mom's music stand and new exactly what to do with it. The video also has a bonus of Claire trying to put on Molly's panties.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Claire's First Haircut

This has been long overdue, but the mullet is finally gone. Unfortunately we won't be able to do piggy tails for a while, but it will definitely be worth it to wait until all (or most) of her hair is the same length. If her hair is like Molly's was, this will be Claire's hairstyle for quite some time!

Friday, July 17, 2009

New Cherry Pitter

We've been eating tons of cherries lately, but Molly didn't want much to do with them because of the pit. My mom got Molly this cherry pitter and she's been going to town! No cherry is safe when she's around; even though I can handle a pit in my cherry, she still insists on pitting even mine before I eat it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Captain Roberts and the Captains Black

My dad's fondest dream has finally come true: his living room has become the helm of a ship. The kids love it. My dad has been a collector of nautical antiques for some time, but he was finally able to put all the pieces together with the purchase of a genuine ship's wheel. Just don't ask my mom how she feels about it.

Here are the captains steering the ship out of stormy weather and checking the horizon for signs of pirates, whales, and other creatures that might cross their path. Not pictured is cannons firing when any of these things got too close to the ship.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


They're finally here! There was starting to be concern if Claire actually had any teeth, but they showed themselves about two weeks ago (as luck would have it we were at Claire's well-baby visit complaining that she had no teeth when the doctor stuck her hand in Claire's mouth and found that she did, in fact, have two teeth at that very moment). Since then her two top teeth have come in too. At this rate she'll be catching up to the normal kids in no time!

It took several shots but I finally managed to get a picture...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fourth of July

This year we went up to my parent's cabin for the Fourth of July. We could only get away for the day, but it was definitely worth it!

I don't know if you can get the full effect of the size of Molly's bow, but it's monstrous. I'm so lucky that Sarah lives around the corner to assist me with all of my giant-bow making needs!

The weather was perfect! We spent most of the day outside, a considerable amount just on the deck to the back of the house.

We went for a walk and Eve and Claire got to ride in the jogging stroller. For the most part they did fine; there was only minimal hair-pulling and face-grabbing.

Claire found someone's stray plate of watermelon and helped herself. But I especially love this picture because you really get a feel for how redneck her mullet has gotten.

In the kitchen there's an awesome cupboard that goes through to another cupboard door on the other side. The kids love it and I can't blame then, I want to play in it too!

Sarah brought glow bracelets from the dollar store to keep the kids occupied while waiting for the fireworks.

Fireworks! Molly loved them, but Claire only loved them for about 5 five seconds before she was off again, trying her hardest to lose whatever adult was behind her chasing her down.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons Week One

Molly and Claire are both in swimming lessons this year. It took Molly a couple days of crying before she got the hang of it again, but now she's back in action and doesn't want leave when it's over. Claire is getting better but still clearly not enjoying herself (see the video). Now at least she only cries when it's her turn, and when she's done she immediately buries her head in my lap before it's her turn again. Not too bad for four days in swimming lessons!

Molly's First Dance Party

Molly's cousin Lexi had a birthday party yesterday, complete with nail painting, hair fixing, dressing up, more Hannah Montana paraphernalia than you could possibly imagine, and lots and lots of dancing (Molly didn't know who Hannah Montana was prior to the party, but afterward in the car she announced that she LOVED Hannah Montana). Each girl got a chance to perform a solo, and this is a clip of Molly's. This is late in the dance, and you can tell she's getting a little fatigued with all the floor work.

After they ate pizza, they decided it was time for more dancing. I heard Molly yelling that she was first, but there were no more solos, everyone was dancing together. Molly got a horrible look on her face and came over to me and yelled "I said I was first!" I had to explain that everyone wanted to dance together this time, so she sat and pouted for the rest of the song before she felt like dancing again.