Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons Week One

Molly and Claire are both in swimming lessons this year. It took Molly a couple days of crying before she got the hang of it again, but now she's back in action and doesn't want leave when it's over. Claire is getting better but still clearly not enjoying herself (see the video). Now at least she only cries when it's her turn, and when she's done she immediately buries her head in my lap before it's her turn again. Not too bad for four days in swimming lessons!


Jessie said...

Oh, man! I can hear Max crying in the background, too! It definitely brings me back to last year, and although I'm sad the kids aren't learning how to swim, it is such a relief not to be going through that! Molly looks AWESOME! Hang in there guys!!

Carlie said...

they are doing such a good job. im so proud of them

Stacie Aho said...

Wow! Look at Claire go! That's so awesome. I wish I got MJ in swim lessons... next year hopefully. I would love it if he knew how to swim. Molly is doing great!

Jenny said...

who do you do swim lessons through?

Lauren said...

Jenny- her name is Shelley Breinholt and she teaches from a backyard pool. If you want her info let me know!

Jenny said...

yes! send it to me...

Anonymous said...

love to take molly to the showers after