Monday, November 16, 2009

More Molly Talk

The other day we were in the car and Molly asked "Mom, is comforter Spanish for blankie?"

Last week while getting dressed to go to my parent's house I decided that it would be perfectly acceptable to wear a giant t-shirt and hot pink pajama pants with skull-and-crossbones on them. Unfortunately I hadn't realized that we'd be meeting my mom for an impromptu trip to Target, so I decided to just suck it up and go out, hot pink pants and all (not that I look much better when I know I'll be going to Target). We got there a few minutes before my mom did, then as soon as my mom got there Molly gave her a hug and said "Mom's not really supposed to come to the store with those pants on."


suzy said...

Actually, those are awesome PJ pants and you look better in those than I do in my work clothes. Maybe I should buy some hot pink PJ pants?

Jessie said...

Ahhhh! This is awsome! Sadly, I completely forgot that your blog is private ALL month long. Gotta check it more often.