Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Garden Update

No vegetables yet, but there are flowers on the plants now. And Molly definitely shares my excitement; every morning she looks out the window, stretches her arms as far as they can go, and says "The corn is getting THIS tall!" Molly also has special charge of this flower pot my mother-in-law Kathy gave us, and I think she's doing a great job. The flowers seem to be espeically partial to being watered with the Ariel bucket.


Sarah said...

That is so exciting Lauren! I can't wait to see some veggies!

Jessie said...

Wow wow wow! Looks awesome!

Holly said...

I am impressed. We are trying a box garden this year too...but of course our growing season is WAY behind yours. Your plants look wonderful. I look forward to seeing your harvest pictures.