Saturday, April 18, 2009


My parents just bought a cabin in Heber and the plan was to spend Easter there. We went up Friday evening, then Claire woke up with what looked like the beginning of pink eye, so I took her into Show Low to urgent care to make sure before we scrapped our weekend and went home. Sure enough, it was pink eye so we got to spend a whopping 18 hours at the cabin before coming home. When Claire woke up Sunday morning her eye looked great, so we threw caution to the wind and went to my parent's house for a little while on Sunday and tried to keep her away from the other kids. It would have been too devastating to miss the egg hunt!

When we woke up in the morning at the cabin it was snowing. It took a little while before any adult was ready to go out in the snow, so all the kids could do was longingly stare out the window until Uncle Ryan was ready.

I think Claire was more excited about her basket than Molly. Molly can be pretty cranky in the morning. Or maybe she's thinks she's above a basket made up entirely of items out of the Target dollar spot.

Easter dresses!

It was windy outside, so Claire spent a lot of time looking like the Pope...or a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Sad attempt at a family portrait.

Claire's favorite part of Easter is the endless stream of sugar any every different form.

The hunt!


Stacie Aho said...

Poor Claire. I hope her eye is doing better! Way to put a damper on Easter weekend! I love the picture of her bandana flying up. Funny.

Your dress is great! I have the same one in gray and white stripes and black, I wish I'd seen the pink stripes! Love it.

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Wow! Those girls look beautiful! I love Claire's bandana! Way cute!!