Friday, April 24, 2009

My Frightening Past

The other day my sister Sarah handed me a large folder of letters that I had written her while she was on her mission. I just finished reading through them, and I was pretty embarrassed for myself. I was 20 at the time, livin' it up in the single life. 90% of the letters were about boys, with 10% left to talk about roommates, food, religion, school, and asking Sarah about how she was doing. It really showed what my priorities were then. I have to share a couple of really bad ones about food. I knew I had a sugar obsession, but I forgot it was this bad:

"Lizzie and I have been doing Tae Bo every day. This has been going on since January and I haven't seen ANY difference. Maybe it's because I've been doing things like eating brown sugar sandwiches, but I'd rather think that's not the problem. But now I'm running a couple miles in the morning and doing Tae Bo at night so maybe that'll be what I need."

Or maybe no more brown sugar sandwiches would do the trick. Another doozy:

"Someone in the house is being a serious food-stealer: they ate Sarah's cereal, my cereal, and my Circus Animal cookies, which really bums me out because they were spring time Circus Animals that had yellow and green in there too, and I only got to eat one yellow and not even one green. I finally got so desperate for sugar that I put frosting on a banana and ate it. It really wasn't all that bad."

Was I frightening or what?

Sunday, April 19, 2009


In adition to the quilting, Chris' aunt Sally taught me how to make these awesome aprons.

She made Claire's and I made Molly's. Now I'm trying to think of all the other kids I can make them for because I want to keep making them! I'm not sure how many aprons my two little girls can possibly have, but we already have several...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


My parents just bought a cabin in Heber and the plan was to spend Easter there. We went up Friday evening, then Claire woke up with what looked like the beginning of pink eye, so I took her into Show Low to urgent care to make sure before we scrapped our weekend and went home. Sure enough, it was pink eye so we got to spend a whopping 18 hours at the cabin before coming home. When Claire woke up Sunday morning her eye looked great, so we threw caution to the wind and went to my parent's house for a little while on Sunday and tried to keep her away from the other kids. It would have been too devastating to miss the egg hunt!

When we woke up in the morning at the cabin it was snowing. It took a little while before any adult was ready to go out in the snow, so all the kids could do was longingly stare out the window until Uncle Ryan was ready.

I think Claire was more excited about her basket than Molly. Molly can be pretty cranky in the morning. Or maybe she's thinks she's above a basket made up entirely of items out of the Target dollar spot.

Easter dresses!

It was windy outside, so Claire spent a lot of time looking like the Pope...or a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Sad attempt at a family portrait.

Claire's favorite part of Easter is the endless stream of sugar any every different form.

The hunt!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Garden Update

No vegetables yet, but there are flowers on the plants now. And Molly definitely shares my excitement; every morning she looks out the window, stretches her arms as far as they can go, and says "The corn is getting THIS tall!" Molly also has special charge of this flower pot my mother-in-law Kathy gave us, and I think she's doing a great job. The flowers seem to be espeically partial to being watered with the Ariel bucket.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Latest Project

A couple of weeks ago my mother-in-law's sister Sally came into town to teach us how to
quilt. It took me the better part of two weeks, but I finally finished mine last night. I made more than my fair share of mistakes, but I'm still excited about it. I can't wait to start another one!

Grandpa Earl's House

A couple of weeks ago Sarah and I got to go check out my Grandpa's beautiful garden, and the highlight for the kids was definitely riding his tractor.

Molly waving at Max during his turn - she liked the waving almost as much as the ride.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
