Monday, September 1, 2008

Poop Disaster

Warning: This post is not for those with a weak stomach.

Isn't this what a baby is supposed to be doing when they're in their crib? Sleeping like an angel? Apparently not today.

We found out today that Claire knows how to get her disposable diapers off. When she woke up from her nap this is what we found:

Completely dry diaper, no longer on Claire's body.

Her crib, covered in poop.

And Claire, with an alarming amount of poop on her hands and surrounding her mouth. Not to mention all over the rest of her body. Doesn't she look proud of herself?

She obviously went into the bath right away. I much prefer this clean, non-poopy, just-out-of-the-bath version of Claire...


Stacie Aho said...

Oh, man, that's sick. MJ's done that before, unfortunately (or fortunately!) - to his aunties- not me!

Glad you got her cleaned up :) Hopefully she didn't ingest too much poo.

Erin said...

Oh my gosh! It's hard to imagine someone so sweet making such a huge mess.

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

I HATE those kinds of messes!!! I always thinks...Where do I even start? Gross. I guess even the "perfect" little baby needs a little bit of mischief...right?

Jessie said...

How HORRIBLE! None of my kids have done it yet, so I'm sure Jack will. Yikes, yikes, yikes...