Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Final Days

It's hard to believe they're already gone, but my sister Jessie and her family moved to Pennsylvania last week. We spent a lot of time together (more time than usual, which is pretty hard to do) the week before they left to get some final bonding time in. I think the kids could sense their beloved Amelia and Colin were leaving soon because they seemed to be more affectionate with eachother than usual...


Jessie said...

This makes me so sad! :(

Carlie said...

in those pics of claire(poop) i see a lot of chris in her. i bet molly is sad that amelia and colin are not around anymore.

Stacie Aho said...

That's so sweet that they were more affectionate than usual. It's sad that they've gone... I hope you all are functioning okay!

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

I hope you are all doing well in the absence of one of your sisters. It was probably really nice to all be living so close for awhile-what a blessing. Now is a little harder....but at least you have an excuse to go out of town and a free place to stay!! All of your kids are so cute!