Saturday, May 17, 2008

Molly's First Curse Word...sort of

I take full responsibility for that. I've never said that to her before, but I know I say it around her all the time. You never know what they'll pick up on...


Sarah said...

Funny! And so clear! When Max repeats things we say, we are really the only ones who can understand it andyway.

Jessie said...

Yeah, there's no mistaking that one! How funny!

Carlie said...

hahahahaha. that is toooo cute and way tooo funny. Coltin was sitting in my lap when I wached that and he kept wanting me to replay it over and over again. got to admit tho. I have to replay it again and again, it's so cute and so funny. AFV watch out. I like how in the end you say- "did she say holy crap?"

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!! This is an amazing video.