Friday, December 4, 2009

Time Out

Claire has been fascinated with Molly being sent to timeout for many months now. I haven't started timeouts with Claire yet, but she finally got tired of being left out so she has started putting herself in timeout. If I ask her not to do something, she'll stop and say "timeout" with her head down and walk herself over to the front door (our timeout spot of choice when we're downstairs). She'll work up a little whimper, then sometimes if she's really feeling it she'll say "Nose...corner." This is a little embarrassing, but occasionally if Molly is being wild in timeout, I've been known to tell her she has to keep her nose in the corner for the rest of timeout, so it's no mystery where Claire came up with that one. After about 10 seconds Claire will come running back, give me a hug, and go back to business as usual. In this picture, Claire kept herself in timeout long enough for Molly to decide she needed to administer the "timeout talk." She then proceeded to ask Claire why she was in timeout, have a chat about why she shouldn't have done it, procure an apology, then they gave each other a hug and said I love you.


Katie's Krazy Klan said...

That's so funny!

Stacie Aho said...

That's so cute. Little kids can be so great!

I love Molly's hair in this picture. Great braids!

Jessie said...

Those little gals are hilarious!

Summer said...

I wish Reagan liked time-out. for the time being she lays on the floor next to the corner and has a complete melt down until she can come out. Not fun!