Saturday, May 23, 2009

More of Molly's Artwork

Molly takes naps occasionally at my parent's house, and the spare bed happens to be in my dad's office. This particular day Molly couldn't find any paper, so she used the pen on herself. I could hardly be mad because I was pretty impressed with the lovely M's and circles. The week before my dad had left copies of his tax return on the floor. Molly went through and double-checked each page of the return (all 90 pages), marking it with a small scribble to let him know she had ok'd it. Then yet another week, she Google-searched all kinds of strange things on the computer (I turn the screen off before her nap so she doesn't really know things are actually happening) including "00000000000" and "ajsgbfvebvrhjaebv." Not a lot of great results came up there. Lastly, about ten minutes after I had put Molly down for a nap one day she was crying (fairly typical), so I took my time getting back to the room. When I got there, she was frantically holding on to a large painting my dad hung over the bed that she had been messing with and the only thing keeping it from crashing down were her two little hands. What would be fun about touching a painting of a ship I really don't know, so she must have been pretty bored and used it as a last resort. I've finally smartened up and taken the pens out before she goes down, but I'm not really able to remove the computer and large decor items every time she naps. At thif point I just cross my fingers and hope nothing breaks...


Jessie said...

This post is SO awesome. You and Molly crack me up!

Stacie Aho said...

What a funny little girl. What child wouldn't have a blast in their Papa's office all alone?!
Those are some great drawings.

Sarah said...

Very creative - she may have a future as a tatoo artist.