Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Great Experiment

I've been wanting a garden for a long time but have been way too intimidated to do anything about it. Last week my mother-in-law Kathy introduced me to her new square-foot garden, and suddenly it didn't seem so scary. Chris went to Home Depot and got some 2x10's to build my box, and $75 worth of dirt later my garden is planted. Hopefully in a couple of months I'll start seeing the fruits of my labor, even though I have no idea what I'm doing. If anyone has gardening hints please let me know!

Molly is an excellent helper in the garden. She mostly keeps to herself playing in the mud, then occasionally comes around to help water or put in a plant.

Claire is a terrible helper in the garden. She mostly eats dirt and mud, then comes around to try to pull up plants or throw the soil out of the box.

This is the box Chris built. I was a little over-zealous on the size (I only had enough soil to fill half of it) so I had to move the board in farther and only plant a fraction of the vegetables I bought. I'm learning from my mistakes already and the plants have only been in the ground for a day!


kaka said...

Molly grows old and a good helper.
Claire is a naughty child,maybe.

Sarah said...

That is awesome Lauren. Maybe I'll try it too - if everything goers well for you that is.

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

That is such a cute little garden! I'm sure you will do a great job with it! :) The girls are such cute little helpers!

Jessie said...

Hey, that looks great! I somehow missed this post. I'm so excited to see your veggies!