Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Molly Swimming

Molly, Amelia, Colin, and Max started swimming lessons together and Molly has recently decided that she loves it! The first two days were non-stop crying (they have to jump off the diving board and dive off the side the first day, that's how intense it is), but Molly had a breakthrough the third day and couldn't get enough of it. The video of her (it's about five minutes long, we couldn't figure out how to get a thirty-second segment from it, but you can get the gist in the first fifteen seconds) is at Chris's parent's pool after three days of swimming lessons. I think she's doing pretty well for a kid who didn't like her head under the water a week ago!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! I wish I could swim like that. Truly amazing video, I don't know how a 2 year old can be taught to swim like that. Were those Hiccups I was hearing?

Stacie Aho said...

That is SO awesome, especially after only 3 days!

mamaste said...

she's a pro. wait, is she doing that triathlon with you and chris too? you guys are awesome.

so we should get together soon. we're in az for good now.

coltin-n-connersmommy said...

hey it's Carlie. Just leting you know I had to create another blog. here is my new blog address.