Saturday, December 29, 2007


Molly and Max listening attentively as Papa reads the nativity story. I think he got one page read before they both had enough and hopped down to spin circles and roll around on the floor.

Molly opening one of her many presents. Notice one of her sweet presents already on her feet!

I had planned on putting Molly in one of her fabulous Christmas dresses on Christmas day, but we ended up (me included) just wearing our jammies all day!

Molly finally got her Christmas present from Chris and I today (a mere four days after Christmas). We haven't been home to give it to her until now, and it was getting so late I was considering saving it for a birthday present! Her feet can't quite reach the pedals yet but that's where the awesome pushing handle comes in handy!

Watching Elmo wearing her new Elmo slippers; what could be better?!


Anonymous said...

She's so cute! She and Hailey had the same PJ's for Christmas day. Very fun.
Looks like you had a good time at your parents :)