Saturday, November 3, 2007


The other day Molly and I were sitting down to lunch and I was just getting ready to dig into my tuna fish sandwich. Molly looked at me, folded her arms, and said "prayer." I felt so bad that she had to remind me to say a prayer over the food! Now if I could just get her to remind us to read scriptures and have Family Home Evening then we'd really be in business!


Carlie said...

dont you just love it when our kids are reminding us what we need to do? Hey, think of it this way, You guys have been having prayer enough for her to know that you need to say prayers over our her.

Anonymous said...

That's a great face she's making!

I try to hold MJ's hand and say a prayer, but he wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully he will take on good traits like Molly!