Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Art Gallery

Since preschool started, I have gotten in trouble almost weekly for throwing away precious works of art. Molly comes home with many projects, sometimes 3 or 4 in one day, and it's impossible to keep everything, mean as that sounds. Sometimes I could trash things discreetly, but other times I inadvertently left artwork on the top of trash instead of squishing it down where she couldn't see, which led to trouble. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I ripped a corner off of one of her drawings (it was a copied picture of a house that she had traced - it didn't look that special to me) to use for something and put the rest of the picture in the recycle trash, right on top. The next morning she saw it in there, ripped, and shouted "WHAT ON EARTH!!" and burst into tears. Definitely not one of my prouder parenting moments. I never fully admitted to it being me, but I'm pretty sure she knew. Anyway, we now have this lovely art gallery to hang all works of art on. When it gets too full, Molly is responsible for choosing what goes in the trash and what stays, so hopefully I'll stay out of trouble. We'll see.


Carlie said...

oh boy, do i know how that is. Coltin is the same way. Ive since made a "scrapbook" if you may of what I believe to be his best artistic pieces. and some other little special things. He came across the book the other night and was looking through it. He didnt remember making most of them, but still, he will want to remember those things when he is older. Good Luck .

Tyler and Natalie Broby said...

Thanks for all your posts. I love to read about your family. It's great to read blogs while I pretend to work.

Jenny said...

that's a great Idea!