Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Beautiful Disaster

Last night when I came home from my Girls Night Out with my mom and sisters the kitchen was a disaster. The strange thing is, the disaster was made up of mixing bowls, flour, pans, the hand mixer, and various other baking items. I stared at the mess trying to figure out what happened, because surely Chris hadn't been baking. What a ridiculous thought! But then after a more thorough kitchen scan I found the proof: beautiful chocolate chip cookies that had been baked to perfection. For some of you with husbands that cook more than scrambled eggs or the occasional box of Macaroni and Cheese this might not be such a shocking sight. But for me it was straight from the Bizarro World. I went upstairs to talk to Chris, and sure enough he had made them, with a little help from Molly. The really funny part is that the cookies were so far superior to my own, both in looks and taste. I have been making chocolate chip cookies for years, with frequency, and they never come out very well. Suddenly Chris decides on a whim to try his hand at baking, which he has never done before to my knowledge, and he turns out cookies that could be submitted for competition! Oh well, I suppose he can teach me a thing or two, or better yet when he has a hankering for a sweet in the evening he can sweat in the kitchen over a batch of cookies instead of me...


Stacie Aho said...

Wow- that is amazing. I've never known Merritt to bake either.

I would be pretty impressed if they turned out better than my own... not that mine are amazing, but like you- I've been making them for a long time.

Way to go Chris! Keep on baking, and share the love!

Sarah said...

That's a funny title. I knew when I saw it before I read the blurb that it was about the cookies!

sisters-hartstrings said...

Who knew my son could bake? Way to go Chris!!!!

Katie's Krazy Klan said...

WOW, they're not flat or anything, maybe I need a cooking lesson from him!! Anytime you're on this side of town, he can come over and bake some at my house! A messy kitchen is SOOOOO worth the goodness of a cookie!

Carlie said...


Erin Nicole said...

That is awesome! So cute. You are doing a dang good job with Chris Lauren!